
The modern WSH (Windows Script Host) JScript library that mode like Node.js.

Presentation PDF

tuckn/Wsh series dependency

WshModeJs - This repository
└─ WshZLIB
 └─ WshNet
  └─ WshChildProcess
   └─ WshProcess
     └─ WshFileSystem
       └─ WshOS
         └─ WshPath
           └─ WshUtil
             └─ WshPolyfill

The upper layer module can use all the functions of the lower layer module.

Operating environment

Works on JScript in Windows.


(1) Create a directory of your WSH project.

D:\> mkdir MyWshProject
D:\> cd MyWshProject

(2) Download this ZIP and unzip or Use the following git command.

> git clone ./WshModules/WshModeJs
> git submodule add ./WshModules/WshModeJs

(3) Create your JScript (.js) file. For Example,

├─ MyScript.js <- Your JScript code will be written in this.
└─ WshModules\
    └─ WshModeJs\
        └─ dist\
          └─ bundle.js

I recommend JScript (.js) file encoding to be UTF-8 [BOM, CRLF].

(4) Create your WSF packaging scripts file (.wsf).

├─ Run.wsf <- WSH entry file
├─ MyScript.js
└─ WshModules\
    └─ WshModeJs\
        └─ dist\
          └─ bundle.js

And you should include .../dist/bundle.js into the WSF file.
For Example, The content of the above Run.wsf is

  <job id = "run">
    <script language="JScript" src="./WshModules/WshModeJs/dist/bundle.js"></script>
    <script language="JScript" src="./MyScript.js"></script>

I recommend this WSH file (.wsf) encoding to be UTF-8 [BOM, CRLF].

Awesome! This WSH configuration allows you to use the following functions in JScript (.\MyScript.js).


Now you can use the following many helpful functions in .\MyScript.js (JScript).

And also, use the following functions.
For Example,


var rl = Wsh.Readline; // Shorthand

var answer = rl.questionSync('Are you an engineer?/y or Not');

if (answer.toUpperCase() !== 'Y') return false;

// Now only `questionSync` works...

Buffer (W.I.P)

Buffer object is defined globally.

var buf = Buffer.from('012345XYZ');

console.log(buf.toString('utf8')); // 012345XYZ
console.log(buf.toString('base64')); // MDEyMzQ1WFla
console.log(buf.toString('hex')); // 30313233343558595a
console.log(buf.values()); // <Buffer 30 31 32 32 ....>

// Now only `from` works...


var http = Wsh.Http; // Shorthand

// Ex 1. Auto JSON parsing
// Returns: { origin: '111.222.333.444' }

// Ex 2. Basic Auth
http.request('', { auth: 'myUser:myPasswd' });

// Ex 3. Using proxy
http.request('', {
  proxy: {
    host: '',
    port: 8087,
    proxyAuth: 'proxyUser:proxyPassword'
// Returns:
// { headers: {
//     Accept: "\*\/*",
//     Accept-Language: "ja",
//     Host: "",
//     User-Agent: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5)",
//     X-Amzn-Trace-Id: "Root=1-1234abcd-12345678abcdefg123456789"
//   }
// }

// Ex 4. POST data
http.request('', {
  method: 'POST',
  dataToSend: 'formB=' + encodeURIComponent('value B')
// Returns:
// { args: { argA: "valA" },
//   data: "",
//   files: {},
//   form: { formB: "valB" },
//   headers: { ... },
//   json: null,
//   origin: "111.222.333.444",
//   url: "" }

// Now only `request` works...


  • Buffer, Http, Readline.


See all specifications here and also below.

Upper Layer Modules

Please also refer to the more convenient upper-layer modules that use WshModeJs.

In addition, WshBasicApps can use all the above modules.



Copyright (c) 2020 Tuckn