/* globals Wsh: false */
(function () {
// Shorthands
var sh = Wsh.Shell;
var CD = Wsh.Constants;
var util = Wsh.Util;
var fso = Wsh.FileSystemObject;
var insp = util.inspect;
var isPureNumber = util.isPureNumber;
var isString = util.isString;
var isSolidString = util.isSolidString;
var os = Wsh.OS;
/** @constant {string} */
var MODULE_TITLE = 'WshOS/Handler.js';
var throwErrNonStr = function (functionName, typeErrVal) {
util.throwTypeError('string', MODULE_TITLE, functionName, typeErrVal);
// Drive
// os.isExistingDrive {{{
* Checks if the drive existing.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.isExistingDrive('D');
* // Returns: true
* // Note that 'D:\' can not work.
* @function isExistingDrive
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {string} driveLetter - The drive letter to check.
* @returns {boolean} - If the drive is existing, returns true.
os.isExistingDrive = function (driveLetter) {
var FN = 'os.isExistingDrive';
if (!isString(driveLetter)) throwErrNonStr(FN, driveLetter);
return fso.DriveExists(driveLetter);
}; // }}}
// os.getDrivesInfo {{{
* Gets the Drives-collection of all Drive objects available on the local machine. See {@link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/drives-property|Drives property} and {@link https://tuckn.net/docs/WshUtil/Wsh.Constants.driveTypes.html|Wsh.Constants.driveTypes}.}
* @example
* Wsh.OS.getDrivesInfo();
* // Returns: [
* // 0: {
* // letter: "C",
* // name: "Windows",
* // type: 2
* // },
* // 1: {
* // letter: "D",
* // name: "BackUp",
* // type: 2
* // },
* // 2: {
* // letter: "Q",
* // name: "CD-ROM",
* // type: 4
* // },
* // 3: {
* // letter: "S",
* // name: "microSD",
* // type: 1
* // } ]
* @function getDrivesInfo
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @returns {Array} - The drive info.
os.getDrivesInfo = function () {
var drvs = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
var drv;
var rtnDrvs = [];
while (!drvs.atEnd()) {
drv = drvs.item();
if (drv.IsReady) {
letter: drv.DriveLetter,
name: drv.VolumeName,
type: drv.DriveType
return rtnDrvs;
}; // }}}
// os.getTheLastFreeDriveLetter {{{
* Gets the last Drive-letter to be able to assign.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.getTheLastFreeDriveLetter(); // Returns: 'Y'
* @function getTheLastFreeDriveLetter
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @returns {string} - The last drive letter to be able to assign.
os.getTheLastFreeDriveLetter = function () {
var driveLetter;
var freeDriveLetter = '';
// 後ろ(Z)から取得開始
for (var i = 26, I = 2; i >= I; i--) {
driveLetter = String.fromCharCode(64 + i);
if (os.isExistingDrive(driveLetter)) {
} else {
freeDriveLetter = driveLetter;
return freeDriveLetter;
}; // }}}
// os.getHardDriveLetters {{{
* Gets the Drives-collection of all Hard-Drive objects available on the local machine.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.getHardDriveLetters();
* // Returns: [
* // 0: {
* // letter: "C",
* // name: "Windows",
* // type: 2
* // },
* // 1: {
* // letter: "D",
* // name: "BackUp",
* // type: 2
* // } ]
* @function getHardDriveLetters
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @returns {Array} - The Hard-drives info.
os.getHardDriveLetters = function () {
var drvsInfo = os.getDrivesInfo();
return drvsInfo.filter(function (val) {
return val.type === CD.driveTypes.fixed;
}; // }}}
// os.assignDriveLetter {{{
* Assigns the drive letter to the directory.
* @example
* var assignLetter = Wsh.OS.assignDriveLetter; // Shorthand
* assignLetter('C:\\My Data', 'X');
* // Return 'X'
* assignLetter('\\\\MyNAS\\MultiMedia', 'M', 'myname', 'mY-p@ss');
* // Return 'M'
* @function assignDriveLetter
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {string} dirPath - The path of directory to assign.
* @param {string} [letter] - The drive letter.
* @param {string} [userName] - The user name.
* @param {string} [password] - The password.
* @returns {string} - The assigned letter.
os.assignDriveLetter = function (dirPath, letter, userName, password) {
var FN = 'os.assignDriveLetter';
if (!isString(dirPath)) throwErrNonStr(FN, dirPath);
if (!isString(letter) && !letter) throwErrNonStr(FN, letter);
if (!isSolidString(letter)) letter = os.getTheLastFreeDriveLetter();
var uncPath = dirPath;
if (/^[a-z]:/i.test(dirPath)) {
uncPath = dirPath.replace(/^([a-z]):/i, '\\\\' + os.hostname() + '\\$1$');
var mainCmd = os.exefiles.net;
var args = ['use', letter + ':', uncPath];
if (isSolidString(userName) && isSolidString(password)) {
args = args.concat(['/user:' + userName, password]);
try {
var iRetVal = os.shRunSync(mainCmd, args, { winStyle: 'hidden' });
if (iRetVal !== CD.runs.ok) {
throw new Error('Error [ExitCode is not Ok] "' + iRetVal + '"\n');
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(insp(e) + '\n'
+ ' at ' + FN + ' (' + MODULE_TITLE + ')');
return letter;
}; // }}}
// os.removeAssignedDriveLetter {{{
* Removes the assigning drive letter.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.removeAssignedDriveLetter('Y');
* @function removeAssignedDriveLetter
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {string} letter - The assigning drive letter to remove.
* @throws {string} - If an error occurs during command execution, or if the command exits with a value other than 0.
* @returns {void}
os.removeAssignedDriveLetter = function (letter) {
var FN = 'os.removeAssignedDriveLetter';
if (!isString(letter)) throwErrNonStr(FN, letter);
var mainCmd = os.exefiles.net;
var args = ['use', letter + ':', '/delete'];
try {
var iRetVal = os.shRunSync(mainCmd, args, {
shell: false,
winStyle: 'hidden'
if (iRetVal === CD.runs.ok) return;
throw new Error('Error [ExitCode is not Ok] "' + iRetVal + '"\n');
} catch (e) {
* net use Z: /delete
* ExitCode: 2,
* StdOut: ""
* StdErr: "ネットワーク接続が見つかりませんでした。
* NET HELPMSG 2250 と入力すると、より詳しい説明が得られます。"
throw new Error(insp(e) + '\n'
+ ' at ' + FN + ' (' + MODULE_TITLE + ')');
}; // }}}
// Process
// os.getProcessIDs {{{
* Gets processes IDs that the specified process string.
* @example
* var getPIDs = Wsh.OS.getProcessIDs; // Shorthand
* var pIDs = getPIDs('Chrome.exe');
* // Returns: [33221, 22044, 43113, 42292, 17412]
* var pIDs = getPIDs('C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\git.exe');
* // Returns: [1732, 4316]
* @function getProcessIDs
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {(number|string)} processName - The PID or process name or full path.
* @param {typeGetProcessesOptions} [options] - Optional parameters.
* @returns {Array} - The Array of processes ID.
os.getProcessIDs = function (processName, options) {
var FN = 'os.getProcessIDs';
if (!isPureNumber(processName) && !isString(processName)) {
throwErrNonStr(FN, processName);
var sWbemObjSets = os.WMI.getProcesses(processName, options);
return sWbemObjSets.map(function (sWbemObjSet) {
return sWbemObjSet.ProcessId;
}; // }}}
// os.getProcessObjs {{{
* Gets an Array of objects matching the specified process ID or string.
* @example
* var getProcessObjs = Wsh.OS.getProcessObjs; // Shorthand
* var pObjs = getProcessObjs('chrome.exe');
* // Returns: [
* // {
* // Caption: 'chrome.exe',
* // CommandLine: ...
* // ...
* // }, {
* // Caption: 'chrome.exe',
* // CommandLine: ...
* // ...
* // }, {
* // Caption: 'chrome.exe',
* // CommandLine: ...
* // ...
* // }]
* @function getProcessObjs
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {(number|string)} processName - The PID or process name or full path.
* @param {typeGetProcessesOptions} [options] - Optional parameters.
* @returns {object[]} - The Array of objects of the process.
os.getProcessObjs = function (processName, options) {
var FN = 'os.getProcessObjs';
if (!isPureNumber(processName) && !isString(processName)) {
throwErrNonStr(FN, processName);
var sWbemObjSets = os.WMI.getProcesses(processName, options);
return os.WMI.toJsObjects(sWbemObjSets);
}; // }}}
// os.getProcessObj {{{
* Gets an Object matching the specified process ID or string.
* @example
* var getProcessObj = Wsh.OS.getProcessObj; // Shorthand
* var pObj = getProcessObj('wscript.exe');
* // Returns: {
* // Caption: 'wscript.exe',
* // CommandLine: 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\wscript.exe //nologo C:\\MockGUI.wsf',
* // CreationClassName: 'Win32_Process',
* // CreationDate: '20200628110828.532484+540',
* // CSCreationClassName: 'Win32_ComputerSystem',
* // CSName: 'MYCOMPNAME',
* // Description: 'wscript.exe',
* // ExecutablePath: 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\wscript.exe',
* // ExecutionState: null,
* // Handle: '5678',
* // HandleCount: 241,
* // InstallDate: null,
* // KernelModeTime: '312500',
* // MaximumWorkingSetSize: 1380,
* // MinimumWorkingSetSize: 200,
* // Name: 'wscript.exe',
* // OSCreationClassName: 'Win32_OperatingSystem',
* // OSName: 'Microsoft Windows 10 Pro|C:\\WINDOWS|\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition4',
* // OtherOperationCount: '123',
* // OtherTransferCount: '4567',
* // PageFaults: 3462,
* // PageFileUsage: 3260,
* // ParentProcessId: 12628,
* // PeakPageFileUsage: 3504,
* // PeakVirtualSize: '2203497648128',
* // PeakWorkingSetSize: 12892,
* // Priority: 8,
* // PrivatePageCount: '3338240',
* // ProcessId: 7580,
* // QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage: 15,
* // QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 267,
* // QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage: 15,
* // QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 267,
* // ReadOperationCount: '45',
* // ReadTransferCount: '4631',
* // SessionId: 1,
* // Status: null,
* // TerminationDate: null,
* // ThreadCount: 11,
* // UserModeTime: '0',
* // VirtualSize: '2203497648128',
* // WindowsVersion: '10.0.12345',
* // WorkingSetSize: '13164544',
* // WriteOperationCount: '0',
* // WriteTransferCount: '0' }
* @function getProcessObj
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {(number|string)} processName - The PID or process name or full path.
* @param {typeGetProcessesOptions} [options] - Optional parameters.
* @returns {object|null} - The Object of the process.
os.getProcessObj = function (processName, options) {
var FN = 'os.getProcessObj';
if (!isPureNumber(processName) && !isString(processName)) {
throwErrNonStr(FN, processName);
var sWbemObjSet = os.WMI.getProcess(processName, options);
try {
return os.WMI.toJsObject(sWbemObjSet);
} catch (e) {
return null; // When the process is not existing
}; // }}}
// os.activateProcess {{{
* Activates the specified processes. {@link https://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/cc364396.aspx|AppActivate}
* @example
* Wsh.OS.activateProcess('Code.exe');
* // Returns: 18321
* Wsh.OS.activateProcess('C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe');
* // Returns: 12591
* @function activateProcess
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {(number|string)} processName - The PID or process name or full path.
* @param {typeGetProcessesOptions} [options] - Optional parameters.
* @returns {number} - The process ID to be activated.
os.activateProcess = function (processName, options) {
var FN = 'os.activateProcess';
if (!isPureNumber(processName) && !isSolidString(processName)) {
throwErrNonStr(FN, processName);
var sWbemObjSet = os.WMI.getProcess(processName, options);
if (!sWbemObjSet) return null;
return sWbemObjSet.ProcessId;
}; // }}}
// os.terminateProcesses {{{
* Terminates the specified processes.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.terminateProcesses('cmd.exe');
* // Terminates all cmd.exe processes.
* @function terminateProcesses
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {(number|string)} processName - The PID or process name or full path.
* @param {typeGetProcessesOptions} [options] - Optional parameters.
* @returns {void}
os.terminateProcesses = function (processName, options) {
var FN = 'os.terminateProcesses';
if (!isPureNumber(processName) && !isSolidString(processName)) {
throwErrNonStr(FN, processName);
var sWbemObjSets = os.WMI.getProcesses(processName, options);
if (sWbemObjSets.length === 0) return;
sWbemObjSets.forEach(function (sWbemObjSet) { sWbemObjSet.Terminate(); });
}; // }}}
// os.getThisProcessID {{{
* Gets this process ID.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.getThisProcessID();
* // Returns: 18321 (PID of cscript.exe or wscript.exe)
* @function getThisProcessID
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @returns {number} - This process ID.
os.getThisProcessID = function () {
if (os._thisProcessID !== undefined) return os._thisProcessID;
var thisProcess = os.WMI.getThisProcess();
return thisProcess.ProcessId;
}; // }}}
// os.getThisParentProcessID {{{
* Gets the parent-process ID of this process.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.getThisParentProcessID();
* // Returns: 5277
* @function getThisParentProcessID
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @returns {number} - The parent process ID.
os.getThisParentProcessID = function () {
if (os._thisParentProcessID !== undefined) return os._thisParentProcessID;
var thisProcess = os.WMI.getThisProcess();
return thisProcess.ParentProcessId;
}; // }}}
// User
// os.addUser {{{
* Adds the new user in this local Windows.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.addUser('MyUserName', 'mY-P@ss');
* @function addUser
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {string} userName - The user name to add.
* @param {string} password - The user's password.
* @throws {string} - If an error occurs during command execution, or if the command exits with a value other than 0.
* @returns {void}
os.addUser = function (userName, password) {
var FN = 'os.addUser';
if (!isString(userName)) throwErrNonStr(FN, userName);
var mainCmd = os.exefiles.net;
var args = ['user', userName, password, '/ADD', '/Y'];
try {
WScript.Shell.Exec("net user NewUserName UsersPassword /ADD /Y")
ExitCode: 0,
StdOut: "コマンドは正常に終了しました。"
StdErr: ""
ExitCode: 2,
StdOut: ""
StdErr: "アカウントは既に存在します。
NET HELPMSG 2224 と入力すると、より詳しい説明が得られます。"
ExitCode: 2,
StdOut: ""
StdErr: "バスワードはバスワード ポリシーの要件を満たしていません。
NET HELPMSG 2245 と入力すると、より詳しい説明が得られます。"
ExitCode: 2,
StdOut: ""
StdErr: "システム エラー 5 が発生しました。
var iRetVal = os.shRunSync(mainCmd, args, {
shell: false,
winStyle: 'hidden'
if (iRetVal === CD.runs.ok) return;
throw new Error('Error [ExitCode is not Ok] "' + iRetVal + '"\n');
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(insp(e) + '\n'
+ ' at ' + FN + ' (' + MODULE_TITLE + ')');
}; // }}}
// os.attachAdminAuthorityToUser {{{
* Adds the administrator authority to the user.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.attachAdminAuthorityToUser('MyUserName');
* @function attachAdminAuthorityToUser
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {string} userName - The user name to add administrator authority.
* @throws {string} - If an error occurs during command execution, or if the command exits with a value other than 0.
* @returns {void}
os.attachAdminAuthorityToUser = function (userName) {
var FN = 'os.attachAdminAuthorityToUser';
if (!isString(userName)) throwErrNonStr(FN, userName);
var mainCmd = os.exefiles.net;
var args = ['localgroup', 'Administrators', userName, '/ADD', '/Y'];
try {
WScript.Shell.Exec("net localgroup Administrators UserName /ADD /Y")
ExitCode: 0,
StdOut: "コマンドは正常に終了しました。"
StdErr: ""
ExitCode: 2,
StdOut: ""
StdErr: "システム エラー 1378 が発生しました。
ExitCode: 1,
StdOut: ""
StdErr: "次のグローバル ユーザーまたはグループは存在しません:
NET HELPMSG 3783 と入力すると、より詳しい説明が得られます。"
var iRetVal = os.shRunSync(mainCmd, args, {
shell: false,
winStyle: 'hidden'
if (iRetVal === CD.runs.ok) return;
throw new Error('Error [ExitCode is not Ok] "' + iRetVal + '"\n');
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(insp(e) + '\n'
+ ' at ' + FN + ' (' + MODULE_TITLE + ')');
}; // }}}
// os.deleteUser {{{
* Delete the user in this local Windows.
* @example
* Wsh.OS.deleteUser('MyUserName');
* @function deleteUser
* @memberof Wsh.OS
* @param {string} userName - The user name to add.
* @throws {string} - If an error occurs during command execution, or if the command exits with a value other than 0.
* @returns {void}
os.deleteUser = function (userName) {
var FN = 'os.deleteUser';
if (!isString(userName)) throwErrNonStr(FN, userName);
var mainCmd = os.exefiles.net;
var args = ['user', userName, '/DELETE', '/Y'];
try {
net user UserName /delete
ExitCode: 0,
StdOut: "コマンドは正常に終了しました。"
StdErr: ""
[失敗時 対象ユーザーが存在しない]
ExitCode: 2,
StdOut: ""
StdErr: "ユーザー名が見つかりません。
NET HELPMSG 2221 と入力すると、より詳しい説明が得られます。"
var iRetVal = os.shRunSync(mainCmd, args, {
shell: false,
winStyle: 'hidden'
if (iRetVal === CD.runs.ok) return;
throw new Error('Error [ExitCode is not Ok] "' + iRetVal + '"\n');
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(insp(e) + '\n'
+ ' at ' + FN + ' (' + MODULE_TITLE + ')');
}; // }}}
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