/* globals Wsh: false */
/* globals process: false */
// Shorthands
var util = Wsh.Util;
var CD = Wsh.Constants;
var cli = Wsh.Commander;
var ConfigStore = Wsh.ConfigStore;
var dirBkup = Wsh.DirBackUpper; // Shorthand
var isSolidArray = util.isSolidArray;
* Below are the APIs of CLI (Command Line Interface). Some inappropriate titles are used because they are generated by JsDoc.
* @namespace CLI
// backup {{{
* Back up the specifying directory.
* @example
* Usage: backup <srcDir> <destDir> [options]
* The command to back up a directory
* Options:
* -V, --version Output the version number
* -S, --sync-method <method> Synchronization method. "UPDATE" (default) or "MIRROR"
* -C, --comparison <method> Comparison method. Default is "TIME" (modification date). otherwise "CONTENT" (MD5, slow)
* -R, --no-recursively Excludes sub directories
* -P, --no-omit-empdir Copies empty directories
* -L, --no-omit-symlink Copies symbolic links
* -M, --matched-reg <expression> Matched files RegExp
* -I, --ignored-reg <expression> Ignored files RegExp
* -E, --no-ignore-err Throw Error
* -L, --logger <val> <level>/<transportation> (e.g. "warn/popup"). (default: "info/console")
* -R, --dry-run No execute. Outputs the string of command. (default: false)
* -h, --help Output usage information
* @function backup
* @memberof CLI
command: 'backup <srcDir> <destDir>',
description: 'The command to back up a directory',
version: '2.2.0',
options: [
['-S, --sync-method <method>', 'Synchronization method. "UPDATE" (default) or "MIRROR"'],
['-C, --comparison <method>', 'Comparison method. Default is "TIME" (modification date). otherwise "CONTENT" (MD5, slow)'],
['-R, --no-recursively', 'Excludes sub directories'],
['-P, --no-omit-empdir', 'Copies empty directories'],
['-L, --no-omit-symlink', 'Copies symbolic links'],
['-M, --matched-reg <expression>', 'Matched files RegExp'],
['-I, --ignored-reg <expression>', 'Ignored files RegExp'],
['-E, --no-ignore-err', 'Throw Error'],
['-L, --logger <val>', '<level>/<transportation> (e.g. "warn/popup"). ', 'info/console'],
['-R, --dry-run', 'No execute. Outputs the string of command.']
action: function (srcDir, destDir, opt) {
var rtn = dirBkup.backupDir(srcDir, destDir, {
syncMethod: opt.syncMethod,
comparison: opt.comparison,
isRecursive: opt.recursively,
copiesEmpDir: !opt.omitEmpdir,
includesSymlink: !opt.omitSymlink,
matchedRegExp: opt.matchedReg,
ignoredRegExp: opt.ignoredReg,
throws: !opt.ignoreErr,
logger: opt.logger,
isDryRun: opt.dryRun
if (opt.dryRun) console.log(rtn);
}); // }}}
// archive {{{
* Compresses the directory into archive file (ZIP or RAR).
* @example
* Usage: archive <srcDir> <dest> [options]
* The command to archive a directory
* Options:
* -V, --version Output the version number
* -A, --archive-type <type> The archiving type, "ZIP" (default) or "RAR"
* -D, --date-code <expression> If specify "yyyy-MM-dd", The dest name is <name>_yyyy-MM-dd.zip
* -C, --password <string> Encrypt the archive file. File names will be not encrypted in Zip.
* -O, --compressLv <Lv> Compression level. ZIP (1,3,5,7,9), RAR (0-store...3-default...5-maximal).
* -N, --rootFiles-name <name> When forEachSubDire option is true, root files are archived as this name. (default: 'RootFiles')
* -F, --no-forEach-subDir Compresses each sub directory in the specified source directory.
* -P, --no-omit-empdir Compresses empty directories
* -L, --no-omit-symlink Compresses symbolic links
* -M, --matched-reg <expression> Matched RegExp only for the root directories and files in the source
* -I, --ignored-reg <expression> Ignored RegExp only for the root directories and files in the source
* -E, --no-ignore-err Throw Error
* -L, --logger <val> <level>/<transportation> (e.g. "warn/popup"). (default: "info/console")
* -R, --dry-run No execute. Outputs the string of command. (default: false)
* -h, --help Output usage information
* @function archive
* @memberof CLI
command: 'archive <srcDir> <dest>',
description: 'The command to archive a directory',
version: '2.2.0',
options: [
['-A, --archive-type <type>', 'The archiving type, "ZIP" (default) or "RAR"', 'ZIP'],
['-N, --rootFiles-name <name>', 'When forEachSubDire option is true, root files are archived as this name. (default: "RootFiles")'],
['-F, --no-forEach-subDir', 'Compresses each sub directory in the specified source directory.'],
['-P, --no-omit-empdir', 'Compresses empty directories'],
['-D, --date-code <expression>', 'If specify "yyyy-MM-dd", The dest name is <name>_yyyy-MM-dd.zip'],
['-C, --password <string>', 'Encrypt the archive file. File names will be not encrypted in Zip.'],
['-O, --compressLv <Lv>', 'Compression level. ZIP (1,3,5,7,9), RAR (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)'],
['-L, --no-omit-symlink', 'Compresses symbolic links'],
['-M, --matched-reg <expression>', 'Matched files RegExp'],
['-I, --ignored-reg <expression>', 'Ignored files RegExp'],
['-E, --no-ignore-err', 'Throw Error'],
['-L, --logger <val>', '<level>/<transportation> (e.g. "warn/popup"). ', 'info/console'],
['-R, --dry-run', 'No execute. Outputs the string of command.']
action: function (srcDir, dest, opt) {
var rtns = dirBkup.archiveDir(srcDir, dest, {
archiveType: opt.archiveType,
archiveOptions: {
dateCode: opt.dateCode,
password: opt.password,
compressLv: opt.compressLv,
isDryRun: opt.dryRun
forEachSubDir: opt.forEachSubDir,
rootFilesName: opt.rootFilesName,
includesEmptyDir: !opt.omitEmpdir,
includesSymlink: !opt.omitSymlink,
matchedRegExp: opt.matchedReg,
ignoredRegExp: opt.ignoredReg,
throws: !opt.ignoreErr,
logger: opt.logger
if (opt.dryRun) console.dir(rtns);
}); // }}}
// schemaBackup {{{
* Back up directories defined with a schema JSON.
* @example
* Usage: schemaBackup <taskName> [overwriteKey:val...] [options]
* The command to back up directories defined with a schema JSON
* Options:
* -V, --version Output the version number
* -D, --dir-path <path> The path name where the schema JSON is located. <Directory Path> or "cwd", "portable", "userProfile". Default: "cmd" is "%CD%\.wsh"
* -F, --file-name <name> A JSON file name. (default: "settings.json")
* -E, --encoding <name> The JSON file encoding. (default: "utf-8")
* -N, --prop-name <name> A property name of the schema object. (default: "dirBackUpperSchema")
* -L, --logger <val> <level>/<transportation>. e.g. "warn/popup". (default: "info/console")
* -R, --dry-run No execute. Outputs the string of command. (default: false)
* -h, --help Output usage information
* @function schemaBackup
* @memberof CLI
command: 'schemaBackup <taskName> [overwriteKey:val...]',
description: 'The command to back up directories defined with a schema JSON',
version: '2.2.0',
options: [
['-D, --dir-path <path>', 'The path name where the schema JSON is located. <Directory Path> or "cwd", "portable", "userProfile". Default: "cmd" is "%CD%\\.wsh"'],
['-F, --file-name <name>', 'A JSON file name.', 'settings.json'],
['-E, --encoding <name>', 'The JSON file encoding.', CD.ado.charset.utf8],
['-N, --prop-name <name>', 'A property name of the schema object.', 'dirBackUpperSchema'],
['-L, --logger <val>', '<level>/<transportation>. e.g. "warn/popup". ', 'info/console'],
['-R, --dry-run', 'No execute. Outputs the string of command.']
action: function (taskName, overwrites, opt) {
var overwritesObj = {};
if (isSolidArray(overwrites)) {
overwrites.forEach(function (setStr) {
var strs = setStr.split(':');
if (strs.length > 1) overwritesObj[strs[0]] = strs.slice(1).join(':');
var conf = new ConfigStore(opt.fileName, {
dirPath: opt.dirPath,
fileOptions: { encoding: opt.encoding }
var schema = conf.get(opt.propName);
var rtn = dirBkup.backupDirUsingSchema(schema, taskName, {
overwrites: overwritesObj,
logger: opt.logger,
isDryRun: opt.dryRun
if (opt.dryRun) console.log(rtn);
}); // }}}