Below are the APIs of CLI (Command Line Interface). Some inappropriate titles are used because they are generated by JsDoc.
(static) archive()
Compresses the directory into archive file (ZIP or RAR).
Usage: archive <srcDir> <dest> [options]
The command to archive a directory
-V, --version Output the version number
-A, --archive-type <type> The archiving type, "ZIP" (default) or "RAR"
-D, --date-code <expression> If specify "yyyy-MM-dd", The dest name is <name>
-C, --password <string> Encrypt the archive file. File names will be not encrypted in Zip.
-O, --compressLv <Lv> Compression level. ZIP (1,3,5,7,9), RAR (0-store...3-default...5-maximal).
-N, --rootFiles-name <name> When forEachSubDire option is true, root files are archived as this name. (default: 'RootFiles')
-F, --no-forEach-subDir Compresses each sub directory in the specified source directory.
-P, --no-omit-empdir Compresses empty directories
-L, --no-omit-symlink Compresses symbolic links
-M, --matched-reg <expression> Matched RegExp only for the root directories and files in the source
-I, --ignored-reg <expression> Ignored RegExp only for the root directories and files in the source
-E, --no-ignore-err Throw Error
-L, --logger <val> <level>/<transportation> (e.g. "warn/popup"). (default: "info/console")
-R, --dry-run No execute. Outputs the string of command. (default: false)
-h, --help Output usage information
(static) backup()
Back up the specifying directory.
Usage: backup <srcDir> <destDir> [options]
The command to back up a directory
-V, --version Output the version number
-S, --sync-method <method> Synchronization method. "UPDATE" (default) or "MIRROR"
-C, --comparison <method> Comparison method. Default is "TIME" (modification date). otherwise "CONTENT" (MD5, slow)
-R, --no-recursively Excludes sub directories
-P, --no-omit-empdir Copies empty directories
-L, --no-omit-symlink Copies symbolic links
-M, --matched-reg <expression> Matched files RegExp
-I, --ignored-reg <expression> Ignored files RegExp
-E, --no-ignore-err Throw Error
-L, --logger <val> <level>/<transportation> (e.g. "warn/popup"). (default: "info/console")
-R, --dry-run No execute. Outputs the string of command. (default: false)
-h, --help Output usage information
(static) schemaBackup()
Back up directories defined with a schema JSON.
Usage: schemaBackup <taskName> [overwriteKey:val...] [options]
The command to back up directories defined with a schema JSON
-V, --version Output the version number
-D, --dir-path <path> The path name where the schema JSON is located. <Directory Path> or "cwd", "portable", "userProfile". Default: "cmd" is "%CD%\.wsh"
-F, --file-name <name> A JSON file name. (default: "settings.json")
-E, --encoding <name> The JSON file encoding. (default: "utf-8")
-N, --prop-name <name> A property name of the schema object. (default: "dirBackUpperSchema")
-L, --logger <val> <level>/<transportation>. e.g. "warn/popup". (default: "info/console")
-R, --dry-run No execute. Outputs the string of command. (default: false)
-h, --help Output usage information