
Defines Wsh.FileSystem and Wsh.FileSystemExtra objects, and it contains useful functions to handle files and directories. (similar to Node.js-FileSystem).

tuckn/Wsh series dependency

└─ WshZLIB
 └─ WshNet
  └─ WshChildProcess
   └─ WshProcess
     └─ WshFileSystem - This repository
       └─ WshOS
         └─ WshPath
           └─ WshUtil
             └─ WshPolyfill

The upper layer module can use all the functions of the lower layer module.

Operating environment

Works on JScript in Windows.


(1) Create a directory of your WSH project.

D:\> mkdir MyWshProject
D:\> cd MyWshProject

(2) Download this ZIP and unzip or Use the following git command.

> git clone ./WshModules/WshFileSystem
> git submodule add ./WshModules/WshFileSystem

(3) Create your JScript (.js) file. For Example,

├─ MyScript.js <- Your JScript code will be written in this.
└─ WshModules\
    └─ WshFileSystem\
        └─ dist\
          └─ bundle.js

I recommend JScript (.js) file encoding to be UTF-8 [BOM, CRLF].

(4) Create your WSF packaging scripts file (.wsf).

├─ Run.wsf <- WSH entry file
├─ MyScript.js
└─ WshModules\
    └─ WshFileSystem\
        └─ dist\
          └─ bundle.js

And you should include .../dist/bundle.js into the WSF file.
For Example, The content of the above Run.wsf is

  <job id = "run">
    <script language="JScript" src="./WshModules/WshFileSystem/dist/bundle.js"></script>
    <script language="JScript" src="./MyScript.js"></script>

I recommend this WSH file (.wsf) encoding to be UTF-8 [BOM, CRLF].

Awesome! This WSH configuration allows you to use the following functions in JScript (.\MyScript.js).


Now your JScript (.\MyScript.js ) can use helper functions to handle files.
Following are some examples of the use of Wsh.FileSystem.

var fs = Wsh.FileSystem; // Shorthand

// ---------- File Operations ----------

// Creates and removes a directory

// Copies and removes a file
fs.copyFileSync('D:\\SrcFile.path', 'R:\\DestFile.path');

// Copies a directory with XCOPY
fs.xcopySync('D:\\SrcDir', 'R:\\DestDir');

// Creates a symbolic-link
fs.linkSync('D:\\MyDir\\BackUp', 'C:\\BackUp-Symlink'); // Requires admin

// ---------- Gets file info ----------

// Checks the file existing
fs.existsSync('D:\\Existing\\File.path'); // true
fs.existsSync('D:\\NonExisting\\File.path'); // false

// Gets information about the file
var stat = fs.statSync('D:\\My Dir\\File.path');
stat.isFile(); // true
stat.isDirectory(); // false
stat.isSymbolicLink(); // false

// Reads the contents of the directory
// Returns: [
//   'fileRoot1.txt',
//   'fileRoot2-Symlink.log', // <SYMLINKD>
//   'fileRoot2.log',
//   'DirBar',
//   'DirBar-Symlink', // <SYMLINKD>
//   'DirFoo' ]

fs.readdirSync('D:\\testDir', { withFileTypes: true });
// Returns: [
//   { name: 'fileRoot1.txt',
//     path: 'D:\\testDir\\fileRoot1.txt',
//     attributes: 32,
//     isDirectory: false,
//     isFile: true,
//     isSymbolicLink: false },
//   ...
//   ..
//   { name: 'DirFoo.txt',
//     path: 'D:\\testDir\\DirFoo',
//     attributes: 16,
//     isDirectory: true,
//     isFile: false,
//     isSymbolicLink: false }]

// ---------- File Read/Write ----------

// Writes a data to the file
fs.writeFileSync('D:\\my-note.txt', 'My note.', { encoding: 'utf8' });
fs.writeFileSync('D:\\MyNote.txt', 'My note.', { encoding: 'sjis' });
fs.writeFileSync('D:\\my-script.wsf', 'WScript.Echo("Foo");', {
  encoding: 'utf8',
  bom: true,

// Reads the file
var readText = fs.readFileSync('D:\\MyNote.txt', { encoding: 'sjis' });

// Create a temporary file
var tmpPath = fs.writeTmpFileSync('My Temp', { encoding: 'utf8' });
// Returns: 'C:\\Users\\UserName\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\fs-writeTmpFileSync_rad6E884.tmp'

// and so on...

Following are some examples of the use of Wsh.FileSystemExtra.

var fse = Wsh.FileSystemExtra; // Shorthand

// ---------- File Operations ----------

// Creates the directory
fse.ensureDirSync('D:\\MyDir'); // No Error
fse.ensureDirSync('R:\\NonExistingDir\\NewDir'); // Creates 2 directories

// Removes the file or directory
fse.removeSync('D:\\MyFile.path'); // File
fse.removeSync('D:\\MyDir'); // Directory
fse.removeSync('R:\\NonExistingDir'); // A non-existing directory (Non error)

// Copies the file
fse.copySync('D:\\SrcFile.path', 'R:\\DestFile.path');
// Auto creating the directories
fse.copySync('D:\\SrcFile.path', 'R:\\NonExistingDir\\DestFile.path');
// Copies the directory
var src = 'D:\\SrcDir';
var dest = 'R:\\DestDir';
fse.copySync(src, dest);
// Note: Copy everything inside of this directory,
//   not the entire directory itself.
// If you want to copy even the directory itself do the following
var path = Wsh.Path;
fse.copySync(src, path.join(dest, path.basename(src)));

// Unzip Office Open XML (e.g. .xlsx, .docx)
fse.unzipOfficeOpenXML('D:\\MyBook.xlsx', 'R:\\DestDir');
// Result:
//  D:\DestDir\
//  └─ MyBook.xlsx\
//       ├─ ooxml\
//       ├─ docProps\
//       ├─ xl\
//       │  ├─ theme\
//       │  ├─ worksheets\
//       │  └─ _rels\
//       └─ _rels\

// ---------- Gets file info ----------

// Generates the cryptographic hash
fse.calcCryptHash('D:File.txt'); // Default: SHA256
// Returns: 1053ed4aca3f61644f2aeb9be175480321530656653853f10b660652777955dd

fse.calcCryptHash('D:File.txt', 'SHA256');
// Returns: 1053ed4aca3f61644f2aeb9be175480321530656653853f10b660652777955dd

fse.calcCryptHash('D:File.txt', 'MD5');
// Returns: 51d52911dc0b646cfda6bb6a6ffa7525

// Compares two files
fse.compareFilesOfModifiedDate('C:FileA.txt', 'D:FileB.txt'); // by date
// Returns: true or false

fse.isTheSameFile('C:FileA.txt', 'D:FileB.txt', 'MD5'); // by hash
// Returns: true or false

// Recursively reads the contents of the directory
// Returns: [
//   'fileRoot1.txt',
//   'fileRoot2-Symlink.log', // <SYMLINKD>
//   'fileRoot2.log',
//   'DirBar',
//   'DirFoo',
//   'DirFoo-Symlink', // <SYMLINKD>
//   'DirBar\\fileBar1.txt',
//   'DirBar\\DirQuux',
//   'DirBar\\DirQuux\\fileQuux1-Symlink.log', // <SYMLINKD>
//   'DirBar\\DirQuux\\fileQuux1.txt' ]

// ---------- File Read/Write ----------

var testObj = {
  array: [1, 2, 3],
  bool: false,
  num: 42,
  obj: { a: 'A' },
  str: 'Some string',

// Writes
fse.writeJsonSync('D:\\test_sjis.json', testObj, {
  indent: '  ',
  lineEnding: '\r\n',
  encoding: 'sjis',
// Reads
var readObj = fse.readJsonSync('D:\\settings.json');

// CSV

var testArray = [
  ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K'],
  ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'],
    'Has Space',
    'I say "Yes!"',

// Writes
fse.writeCsvSync('D:\\test.csv', testArray);
// Reads
var readArray = fse.readCsvSync('D:\\logs.csv', { encoding: 'utf8' });

// and so on...

Many other functions will be added.
See the documentation for more details.

Dependency Modules

You can also use the following valuable functions in .\MyScript.js (JScript).


See all specifications here and also below.



Copyright (c) 2020 Tuckn